Code В01022В
Course unit Seaworthiness of a Ship
Nomber of credits ECTS 3.0
Language of education Ukrainian/English
Learning outcomes of course unit
  1. Knowledge and ability to explain where to look for damage and defects most often caused by loading and unloading operations, corrosion, severe weather conditions, ship collisions, groundings.
  2. Knowledge of the impact of cargo and cargo operations on landing and stability.
  3. Use of stability and trim diagrams and devices for calculating hull stresses, including automatic equipment that uses a database, as well as knowledge of loading and ballasting rules, in order to keep hull stresses within acceptable limits.
  4. Working knowledge and application of stability, fit and stress information; diagrams and devices for calculating body stresses.
  5. Knowledge of the constraints in terms of strength of the most important structural elements of a standard bulk carrier and the ability to interpret the obtained values of bending moments and shear forces.
  6. Understanding of the main measures to be taken in case of partial loss of buoyancy in an intact state.
  7. Understanding of the basic principles of ensuring water resistance.
  8. Understanding of the basic principles of ship structure, the theory and factors that affect landing and stability, as well as the measures that are necessary to ensure the landing and stability of a damaged ship.
  9. Knowledge of SOLAS requirements related to the stability of the damaged vessel.
Types of educational work Lectures, practical classes, laboratory work, independent work
Type of final control
Content of course unit
  1. Damage trim and stability of the ship.
  2. Ship’s strength.
  3. Water resistance. Ship’s propulsors.
Equipment (if applicable) Specialized Class Room, Computer Class Room, Small Experimental Basin

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