Code В05016В
Course unit Innovative management
Nomber of credits ECTS 3.0
Language of education Ukrainian
Learning outcomes of course unit


the concept of innovative management and its basic categories;

functions of innovative management;

structures of the innovation process;

types of innovations and organizational structures of innovation management.


economic content of innovative activity,

principles and methods, the mechanism of corporate innovation management;

innovation diffusion models.

Application of knowledge (skills):

to give a scientific interpretation of the features of innovative activity in the conditions of modern market transformation of Ukraine;

to systematize and analyze information on factors affecting the innovative development of the organization;

make practical decisions regarding the effective application of acquired knowledge of innovation management in the performance of professional duties


innovative activity of the enterprise and the industry as a whole;

normative and legal framework of innovative activity in Ukraine;

system of performance indicators of the innovative project.


factors of success and failure of innovations;

risks in innovative activity;

effectiveness of purchase and sale of licenses.


means of strategic innovation management;

management decisions based on ensuring a compromise of the interests of various organizations, the public, and the state.

Types of educational work Lectures, practical classes
Type of final control
Content of course unit

The essence of innovation management concepts. Innovative activity as an object of management. Formation and development of innovative theories. Types of organizational management structures and methods of organizing the provision of innovative processes at the enterprise. Innovation project management. State regulation and support of innovation processes. Purpose and principles of innovation policy regulation. Marketing in the field of innovation. Employee motivation for innovation. Innovation planning system, essence and main types.

Equipment (if applicable) Not used

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