Code В05018В
Course unit Human resource management
Nomber of credits ECTS 5.4
Language of education Ukrainian
Learning outcomes of course unit


the main principles of human resource management in the modern management system;

the main functions of the HR department, including the HR manager;


HR work on the basis of HR monitoring;

Knowledge (skills) application:

rational assessment methods for the company's employees;

employee training methods and their application depending on the company's needs;

Analysis of:

personal data of employees;

individual characteristics (strengths and weaknesses)

company's employees;


interviews with applicants for vacant positions in the company;

the efficiency level of work with the company's staff according to the indicators;

Creation of:

activity plan for career counselling of the company's labour collective;

proposals to the social development plan of the company's labour collective;

proposals for an economically reasonable resignation policy and prevention of staff turnover.

Types of educational work Lectures, practical classes
Type of final control
Content of course unit

Human resource management in the management system of enterprises. HR policy and strategy of the enterprise's human resource management. HR planning in enterprises. Recruitment and selection of personnel. Activities and functions of personnel services. Team building and corporate cohesion. Staff assessment in the company. Staff development and movement management in the company. Human resource management efficiency.

Equipment (if applicable) Not used

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