Code В09007В
Course unit Philosophy and Philosophy of Law
Nomber of credits ECTS 5.0
Language of education Ukrainian
Learning outcomes of course unit


basic philosophical and legal notions, categories, and concepts;

main branches of philosophy;

key stages in the development of philosophy and philosophy of law;

personalities in the history of philosophical and philosophical-legal knowledge.


general principles and prerequisites for the emergence and development of philosophy;

connection between philosophical and legal ideas;

main problems of ontology, anthropology, and epistemology of law;

specifics of legal culture of personality and society.


demonstrate critical thinking skills in working with texts on philosophical and philosophical-legal issues;

use basic philosophical and philosophical-legal categories to analyze contemporary socio-cultural processes and professional activities;

formulate and cogently express one's own point of view on current socio-legal issues.


human life, social and legal phenomena from the perspective of universal human values;

relevance of historical and philosophical, and legal ideas in the modern socio-cultural context;

essence and content of law from the perspectives of personality, state, power, law, and society.


impact of philosophical and philosophical-legal ideas on modern society;

humanistic content of philosophical views and concepts of law.


meaningful maps of philosophical and legal ideas from different historical periods;

strategies for personal self-realization in life and profession.

Types of educational work Lectures, practical classes
Type of final control
Content of course unit

Humanistic content of philosophical and philosophical-legal knowledge. Evolution of philosophical and philosophical-legal ideas. Human and the world: problems of ontology. Legal ontology. Knowledge, cognition, and self-knowledge: epistemological issues. The problem of truth in law. Problems of philosophical anthropology. Nature of human and law. Legal axiology. Basic legal values. Human in society: problems of social philosophy. Legal consciousness as a problem of philosophy of law. Philosophical problems of law and power. Human and history: problems of the philosophy of history. Philosophical justification of human rights. The humanistic essence of law. Modern concepts of the theory of justice. Law in the context of cultural-civilizational strategies.

Equipment (if applicable) Not used

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