Learning outcomes of course unit |
- conceptual and categorical apparatus of civilistics: concept, subject, elements;
- principles of civilistics;
- functions of civilistics;
- methods of civilistics.
- history of the formation and development of civil law;
- specific features of the main civil legal systems of our time;
- specific features of scientific civil law schools in Ukraine;
- peculiarities of legal regulation of certain types of civil contracts: insurance, commercial concession, medical care, copyright and marriage contracts, etc.
Practical application (skills):
- operate with the concepts that have been learnt in the course of studying the discipline;
to use in professional activities regulatory legal acts in the field of civil law;
provide advice on the most effective ways to protect rights and interests;
- discuss complex civil law issues, propose and justify options for their solution.
- correlation and criteria for distinguishing between the concepts: «Private law», «Public law» and «Civil law»;
- the influence of the main civil legal systems of the world on the development of Ukrainian civilistics;
- the importance of scientific civil law schools in Ukraine for the development of civil law;
- practice of application of certain civil law institutions.
- the role of the reception of Roman law in the development of civilistics;
- prospects and main directions of further development of civilistics;
- nature and character of social processes and phenomena and mechanisms of their legal regulation;
- certain types of contracts: copyright, license, commercial concession, medical care, marriage contract, etc;
reports, presentations on civil law issues. |
Content of course unit |
Civilistics: concepts, approaches and structure. Theoretical civilistics. Historical civilistics. Comparative civilistics: the main civil legal systems of the present.
Scientific schools of civil law in Ukraine. Marriage contract. Insurance contract. Contract of medical care (provision of medical services). Copyright agreements. License agreements. Commercial concession (franchise) agreement. |