Code М10022В
Course unit Sociology of law
Nomber of credits ECTS 3.0
Language of education Ukrainian
Learning outcomes of course unit

To remember:

the main concepts and categories of sociology of law;

the main stages of development of sociology of law;

concepts, types, and features of conducting socio-legal research;

features of forming public opinion, civil society.

To understand:

the fundamental principles of sociology of law, the object, subject, and place of sociology of law in the system of social sciences;

the specificity of the sociological approach to the understanding of law, the social mechanisms of genesis of legal norms and their functioning;

features of forming legal consciousness, the social nature of lawful and unlawful behavior;

regularities of legal socialization of the individual, social factors of forming legal culture.

To apply:

utilize acquired knowledge in the technology of analysis, prevention of legal conflicts, and their resolution;

apply skills in legal communication in professional activities;

employ main methods of collecting and analyzing empirical information in conducting socio-legal research.

To analyze:

law as a social institution, its functions, and dysfunctions;

elements of the legal system and socio-legal phenomena in society;

the effectiveness of legal action and social consequences of specific legal norms;

causes, characteristics, and consequences of deviant behavior in society.

To evaluate:

social consequences and social effectiveness of law as a social institution;

level of legal culture and legal consciousness of the individual;

social effectiveness of legal means and the appropriateness of their use in addressing specific issues of social development;

possibilities of law within the system of social control;

reliability and objectivity of obtained information, reliability of available sources.

To create:

conduct original socio-legal research on socio-legal phenomena;

formulate a scientifically substantiated and logically presented position regarding socio-legal issues of legislation, law enforcement, judicial activities, and ways to address them.

Types of educational work Lectures, seminars
Type of final control
Content of course unit

Main categories and concepts of sociology of law. Civil society as the sphere of functioning of non-state relations. Law as a social institution. Legal culture and legal socialization of the individual. Legal communication and public opinion in society. Legal conflict as a social phenomenon: essence, nature, types. Sociology of legislation, sociology of law enforcement, and judicial sociology. Deviant behavior and social control. Specific-sociological research in law.

Equipment (if applicable) Multimedia equipment

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