Code В01014В
Course unit Labour Safety and Civil Protection
Nomber of credits ECTS 2.0
Language of education Ukrainian/English
Learning outcomes of course unit

Knowledge of national and international requirements and principles of safe maritime practice in the field of labour safety of the ship's personnel.

Knowledge of the types and general characteristics of industrial harmful and dangerous factors on board the ship and the ability to identify hazards, conduct their analysis, determine the level of risk and take the necessary measures for the safe performance of ship operations.

Knowledge of measures to eliminate the causes of accidents and occupational diseases on ships and the ability to justify the choice of safe modes, parameters, production processes and personal safety equipment when working on board a ship.

Knowledge of ship documents and procedures accompanying the organization and safe execution of everyday and dangerous types of work and the ability to organize and ensure ship work in compliance with safety techniques in accordance with the requirements of national and international legislation, as well as requirements for the pollution prevention of the marine environment.

The ability to effectively perform functions, duties and powers in matters of occupational health and safety at the workplace and in the production team.

Knowledge of the types of emergency situations and means of protection against them and the principles of organizing measures for the safety of the vessel in case of emergency situations.

Ability to assess hazards, plan and ensure the protection of ship personnel and the vessel in case of emergencies.

Types of educational work Lectures, practical classes
Type of final control
Content of course unit

The acquisition of learning outcomes for the educational component is achieved by studying the educational material in the following sections:

- Legal and organizational foundations of labour protection

- Harmful and dangerous production factors on ships and means of reducing their impact on the human body; accidents, prevention of injuries and occupational diseases on ships

- Safety techniques and the basics of fire prevention on board the ship

- Civil defense in the maritime industry

Equipment (if applicable) Multimedia equipment

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