Code В01041В
Course unit Ship power plants and electrical equipment of ships
Nomber of credits ECTS 3.0
Language of education Ukrainian/English
Learning outcomes of course unit

The course of the subjects covers principles of operation and design features of the elements of ship power plants (SPP): ship steam boilers (main, auxiliary and exhaust gas boilers); steam and gas turbine power plants; internal combustion engines (two-  and four-stroce engines); ship auxiliary machinery (refrigeration plants, pumps, ship's steering engines); electrics of different mechanisms and systems, their main characteristics, methods of control and modes of operation.

Types of educational work Lecture, laboratory classes
Type of final control
Content of course unit

Нe learning outcomes are:

1. Understanding the principles of operation of power plants, ship's auxiliary mechanisms and marine technical terms.

2. Mastering the theoretical material of the discipline and studying the rules for the technical use of SEU elements, as well as mastering elementary practical skills in power plant management, taking into account the type of duties performed.

3. Knowledge of implementation methods, principle of operation, main advantages and disadvantages of various types of heat engines, auxiliary equipment of SEU, refrigeration units, heat exchangers and electrical equipment, as well as knowledge of marine terms used in mechanical departments.

Equipment (if applicable) Stands, models, posters and training films for better understanding of a ship's power plant operation

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