Learning outcomes of course unit |
- Understanding of the ship’s arrangement basic principles, the theory and factors affecting trim and stability, as well as the measures necessary to ensure trim and stability.
- Knowledge of the cargo impact, in particular heavy weight, on the seaworthiness and stability of the ship, IMO requirements related to the stability of the vessel.
- Understanding of the main measures to be taken in case of partial buoyancy loss in an intact state.
- Knowledge of the theoretical bases for assessing emergency buoyancy and stability, in compliance with SOLAS requirements, practical means of restoring the stability of a damaged vessel.
- Working knowledge and application of trim, stability and strength information, relevant diagrams and devices for hull stresses calculation.
- Understanding the basic principles of water tightness.
- Determining the causes of corrosion in cargo spaces and ballast tanks, as well as the ways of corrosion identifyiong and prevention.
- Knowledge of inspection procedures. Ability to explain how to ensure reliable detection of defects and damage.
- Knowledge of ship equipment and systems, their purpose. General knowledge of structural elements.
- Knowledge of theoretical and practical means of estimating invironment ship’s motion medium resistance, calculating the characteristics of propellers, and choosing the main engine power.