Code В09003В
Course unit Socio-political processes in the modern world
Nomber of credits ECTS 3.0
Language of education Ukrainian
Learning outcomes of course unit


the content of the concept of society and the state, their institutions and structure;

sources of law in political science;

the main trends in social and political science in the context of European integration.


theoretical foundations of political science and sociology, functions performed by political science in society, methods used to study political processes;

social challenges and problems at the global, national and local levels;

the nature and content of major social phenomena and processes in the world;

understand the lessons of history and understand the main democratic processes.

Application of knowledge (skills):

be able to interpret the features and essence of the modern world process;

have knowledge of society as a social reality, its stratification and social mobility;

use the necessary sources from sociology and political science when considering cases and solving practical problems;

be able to act politically by acquiring the skills, knowledge and commitments necessary to achieve social goals, such as group/collective problem-solving, public speaking, petitioning, protesting, voting, etc;

participate in the life of their communities through membership in or contribution to organisations that pursue diverse cultural, social, political and religious interests and beliefs;

have knowledge of politics as a social phenomenon, be able to identify the main theories of origin, essence, functions and structure;

have knowledge of the state as a political institution, be able to identify the main theories of origin, essence, functions and forms;

work with information, think critically and engage in dialogue with other people with different points of view;

professional thesaurus when articulating certain issues that arise in society, setting goals, solving problems;

the principles of political science in modern life, including when modelling and justifying the position of an active citizen, including in accordance with various legal situations;

the necessary provisions of international law, including precedents;

the use of necessary, appropriate and useful for solving practical problems in political science.


significant facts, circumstances and social phenomena;

characterise international relations and trends in their development.


the relevance of democratic instruments;

arguments in discussing problems due to the nature and content of social phenomena and processes;

arguments in solving problems, including the use of instruments of public action;

moral and civic virtues, such as respect for the rights of others, social responsibility, tolerance, etc.

Creation of:

models of cases and tasks on the problems of modern world processes;

reports, essays, presentations on socio-political issues of democracy;

have public speaking skills and the ability to argue their position.

Types of educational work Lectures, seminars
Type of final control
Content of course unit

Society as a social reality: essence, types, development trends.  Personality in the system of social relations. Social stratification and social mobility.  Conflict as a social phenomenon. Politics as a social phenomenon: origin, essence, functions and structure. Political power. Political system of society. Types of political systems. Civil society.  The state as a political institution. Political parties and party systems. Electoral law, its basic principles. Electoral systems. Public organisations and social and political movements. Political elites and political leadership. Political culture and political socialisation. World political process. Geopolitics.

Equipment (if applicable) Not used

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