Code В09014В
Course unit Criminal law
Nomber of credits ECTS 12.0
Language of education Ukrainian
Learning outcomes of course unit


the structure and content of the field of Criminal Law of Ukraine, its institutions;

the structure of the General and Special Parts of the Criminal Code of Ukraine;

special criminal legal terminology;

structures and sequences of the qualification formula.


of aim, principles and sphere of action of the Criminal Law of Ukraine;

of dichotomy of the General and Special Parts of Criminal Law;

of the nature and content of the main criminal legal phenomena and processes, as well as the dynamics of Criminal Law;

of the impact of European Practices for Human Rights on the application of criminal liability of Ukraine;

of the main trends of the criminal legal policy of Ukraine.

Application of knowledge (skills):

using the necessary sources of criminal law while considering cases and solving practical problems;

using the necessary provisions of International Law including precedents of the ECHR while solving the tasks;

using professional thesaurus when articulating and describing criminal legal issues, setting tasks, considering cases;

using of information technologies, data bases and computer programs, which are necessary, expedient and useful for solving practical problems in Criminal Law.


of legally significant facts, circumstances and phenomena on criminal legal issues;

of qualification through the nature and content of criminal legal phenomena and processes.


of the accuracy of criminal offenses qualification;

of the relevance of the evidencial base by the plot of tasks and cases;

of the persuasiveness of arguments in solving problems, in particular in the qualification of criminal offenses;

of perspectives of legal positions.


of case and tasks models on criminal law issues;

of reports, essays, presentations on criminal law issues;

of reasonable conclusions on criminal law issues.

Types of educational work Lectures, seminars, independent work
Type of final control
Content of course unit

Criminal Law and Law on Criminal Liability. Criminal offense: concept, types, classification. Elements of a criminal offence. Stages of committing a criminal offense. Complicity in a criminal offense. Multiplicity of criminal offenses. Circumstances excluding the criminality of an act. Criminal liability. Imposition of punishment. Discharge from the criminal liability and discharge from punishment and its serving. Restrictive measures applicable to perpetrators of domestic violence. Other criminal law measures. Circumstances excluding the criminality of an act. Specific features of criminal liability and punishment of minors.

Theory of qualification. Crimes against national security of Ukraine. Criminal offenses against life and health of a person. Criminal offenses against liberty, honor and dignity of a person. Criminal offenses against sexual freedom and sexual inviolability of a person. Criminal offenses against electoral, labor and other personal rights and freedoms of the human being and the citizen. Criminal offenses against property. Economic criminal offenses. Criminal offenses against environment. Criminal offenses against public safety. Criminal offenses against production safety. Criminal offenses against traffic safety or safety of transport operations. Criminal offenses against public order and morality. Criminal offenses related to the circulation of narcotics, psychotropic substances, their analogues or precursors, and other offences against public health. Criminal offenses related to the protection of state secrets, inviolability of state borders, conscription and mobilization. Criminal offenses against the authority of government, local government, associations of citizens and criminal offenses against journalists. Criminal offenses against computers, computer systems and networks. Criminal offenses in the field of official activities and professional activities related to the provision of public services. Criminal offenses against justice. Criminal offenses against the established procedure of military service (military offences). Criminal offenses against peace, security of mankind and international legal order.

Equipment (if applicable) Not used

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