Code М10027В
Course unit International Commercial Arbitration
Nomber of credits ECTS 3.0
Language of education Ukrainian
Learning outcomes of course unit


the content of the basic concepts of international commercial arbitration;

the concept, types and sources of international commercial arbitration;

specific international acts relating to the activities of international commercial arbitration;

special procedural terminology.


grounds for consideration of disputes in international commercial arbitration;

procedures for consideration of commercial disputes in international commercial arbitration;

procedures for the enforcement of international commercial arbitration awards;

the role of international commercial arbitration and modern arbitration procedural legislation of Ukraine;

Application of knowledge (skills):

correctly use knowledge of the principles, jurisdiction and jurisdiction, procedural deadlines, evidence, court costs, participants in the arbitration process;

formation of theoretical thinking, legal awareness, ability to model on a specific example the mechanism of consideration of an international commercial dispute based on domestic legislation and international treaties;

interpretation, qualification and application of the rules governing international commercial arbitration;

prepare claims and draft statements of claim for participation in the arbitration process;

draft arbitration agreements and arbitration clauses;

correctly use knowledge to choose an arbitration settlement of a dispute;

be able to use the conflict of laws and substantive rules of international acts and national legislation.


аnalyse national legislation and international treaties;

conduct a comparative legal analysis of the dominant doctrines of international commercial arbitration.

judicial and arbitration practice in cases involving a foreign element;


the role of international commercial arbitration as an alternative to national court proceedings;

сoverage of legal, including conflict of laws, issues that arise in the course of commercial dispute resolution.


рrovide legal advice on the possibility of alternative dispute resolution;

prepare reports, essays, presentations on international commercial arbitration;

to develop practical skills in drafting procedural documents.

Types of educational work Lectures, seminars
Type of final control
Content of course unit

International commercial arbitration as an alternative way to resolve commercial disputes. Arbitration agreement. Procedural and legal activities of the international commercial arbitration at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Relations between international commercial arbitration and state courts. Interim measures in international commercial arbitration. Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. Peculiarities of appealing against international commercial arbitration awards in Ukraine.

Equipment (if applicable) Not used

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