Code М05030В
Course unit Personnel Promotion Management
Nomber of credits ECTS 3.0
Language of education Ukrainian
Learning outcomes of course unit


the main development stages of managerial thought in the field of personnel career management;

categorical apparatus, basic principles, methods, techniques of time management.


leading concepts of time management system formation;

basic inventory methods and methods of personal and organizational time analysis;

the principles and rules of time planning, defining one's own goals and setting priorities when making quality management decisions.


daily routine principles taking into account the temperament and biorhythms of a person;

ways to improve one's own efficiency.


self-control types, rules and errors in time management;

problem area of ​​individual "mastery" of time.


allocation of time resources for interpersonal and professional interaction.


models of the management decision-making process taking into account the basic theory and practice knowledge of the time management;

proposals for improving the modern organizations and projects management, taking into account the knowledge of achieving time management;

own SWOT analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the individual.

Types of educational work Lectures, practical classes
Type of final control
Content of course unit

Formation of special knowledge system among higher education graduates on issues of personnel career management through effective goal setting, planning and organization of activities, self-control and self-motivation to increase personal and team effectiveness.

Equipment (if applicable) Not applicable

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