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Code Course unit Educational program Level No. Credits ECTS
М05001В Legal regulation of activities in the maritime complex Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 3.0
М05003В Organization of Scientific Research Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 3.0
М05004В Public Administration Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 4.0
М05005В Corporative Management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 4.0
М05006В Making management decisions Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 5.4
М05007В Quality management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 4.3
М05008В Anticrisis Management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 3.0
М05009В Business English Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 4.0
М05010В Management of Structural object of Sea and River Transport Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 5.0
M05011B Interdisciplinary Coursework Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 2.0
М05012В Internship Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 12.0
М05013В Coursework “Management and Administration” Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 15.0
М05014В Organization of consulting business Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 4.3
М05015В Consulting services in the Sector of Sea and River Transport Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 4.0
М05016В Marketing of innovations in the industry of sea and river transport Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 4.0
В05050В Ethical and religious tolerance Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05051В General Course of Transport Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 5.3
М05017В Marketing technologies in the field of sea and river transport Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 4.3
В05052В Segmentation of the maritime trade market Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 4.0
M05018B Competitiveness Management in the Sector Sea and River Transport Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 4.0
В05038В Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05054В Chartering and pricing in shipping Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 6.0
В05055В Business planning Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 4.3
В05057В Management of the activities of stevedore companies Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 5.3
В05058В Stability of shipping companies Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 4.3
М05020В Business Planning in Cruise Industry Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 4.0
В05059В Transport Management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 4.3
В05060В Regulatory policy of maritime organizations Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 4.3
М05022В Organization of logistics systems Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 4.3
В05061В Sociology and political science Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 4.0
М05023В Transportation Technology in Logistic Systems Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 4.0
М05024В Business psychology Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 4.3
В05062В Culturology Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
М05025 HR - management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 4.0
В05063В Business Ukrainian language Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05064В Introduction to Management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05065В Geography of sea transportation Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
М05026В Change Management in Organizations Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 3.0
В05066В Economics of the Enterprise Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 5.0
М05027В Modern Technologies of HR- Management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 3.0
В05067В Game Theory in Business Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 4.0
М05028В Anticrisis Management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 3.0
М05029В Сonflict Settlement Technologies in Management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 3.0
В05068В Controlling Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 4.0
В05069В Entrepreneurship organization Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 4.0
М05030В Personnel Promotion Management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 3.0
М05031В Modern Technologies of Organization Management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 3.0
В05070В Coursework “Economics and Finance of the Enterprise” Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 2.0
В05071В Management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 6.0
М05032В Reputation Management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Magister 3.0
В05072В Management at sea and river transport enterprises Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 4.0
В05073В Occupational Health and Safety and basics of Medical skills Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05074В Business Rhetoric Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05077В Economics of management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05075В Current Issues History of Ukraine Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05090В Organisational theory Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05078В Business Culture of entrepreneurship Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05079В Introduction to Management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 6.0
В05082В Self-management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05084В Labor market Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05085В Services at Sea Transport Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05001В History and culture of Ukraine Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 4.0
В05086В Chartering and Insurance in Shipping Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05002В Information Systems and technologies Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 4.0
В05003В Higher and applied mathematics Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 6.0
В05004В Professional English Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 21.0
В05005В Ukrainian language for professional direction Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05006В Philosophy Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 4.3
В05007В Statistics Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 4.0
B05008B Economic Тheory Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 6.9
В05009В Coursework “Modern economics” Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05088В Communication Management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05089В Higher mathematics for managers Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 6.0
В05010В Finance, Money and Credit Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 5.0
В05011В Economics and Finance of the Enterprise Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 5.0
В05012В Coursework “Economics and Administration of the Enterprise” Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05013В State and Regional Management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 4.0
В05014В International Еconomic Relations (Macro and Micro-levels) Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 5.0
В05015В Controlling and Economic Administration Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 4.0
В05016В Innovative management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 3.0
В05017В Management of Organizations Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 6.0
В05018В Human resource management Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 5.4
В05019В Marketing Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 5.0
В05020В Accounting and Audit Management of organisations and administration of Sea and River Transport Bachelor 4.5